首先介绍一个国外网站:http://www.planet-source-code.com/ 里面有许多可用的源代码供参考,搜索 upload file 找到 vb6 file uploader (类似的代码比较多,这个是比较好的一个)。
VB通过模拟HTTP POST过程把文件提交至服务器。
Dim WinHttpReq As WinHttp.WinHttpRequest Const HTTPREQUEST_SETCREDENTIALS_FOR_SERVER = 0 Const HTTPREQUEST_SETCREDENTIALS_FOR_PROXY = 1 Const BOUNDARY = "Xu02=$" Const HEADER = "--Xu02=$" Const FOOTER = "--Xu02=$--" Function UploadFiles(DirPath As String, strFileName As Variant, strFileForm As Variant, strURL As String, _ Optional postName As Variant, Optional postVar As Variant, Optional strUserName As String, _ Optional strPassword As String) As String Dim fName As String Dim strFile As String Dim strBody As String Dim aPostBody() As Byte Dim nFile As Integer Dim p As Integer Set WinHttpReq = New WinHttpRequest ' Turn error trapping on On Error GoTo SaveErrHandler ' Assemble an HTTP request. WinHttpReq.Open "POST", strURL, False If strUserName <> "" And strPassword <> "" Then ' Set the user name and password, for server request authentication WinHttpReq.SetCredentials strUserName, strPassword, _ HTTPREQUEST_SETCREDENTIALS_FOR_SERVER End If '-------------------------- Becareful not to mingle too much here ----------------------------------- ' Set the header WinHttpReq.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" & BOUNDARY ' Assemble the body ' Starting tag strBody = HEADER For i = 0 To UBound(strFileName) ' Grap the name fName = strFileName(i) ' Grap the file strFile = GetFile(DirPath & "\" & fName) strBody = strBody & vbCrLf & "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""" & strFileForm(i) & _ """; filename=""" & fName & """ " & vbCrLf & "Content-type: file" & _ vbCrLf & vbCrLf & strFile & vbCrLf If i < UBound(strFileName) Then ' This is boundary tag between two files strBody = strBody & "--Xu02=$" End If strFile = "" Next i 'Posted Variable For p = 0 To UBound(postName) strBody = strBody & HEADER & vbCrLf strBody = strBody & "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""" & postName(p) & """" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf strBody = strBody & postVar(p) & vbCrLf 'Debug.Print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 'Debug.Print "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""" & postName(p) & """" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & postVar(p) & vbCrLf 'Debug.Print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" Next p ' Ending tag strBody = strBody & FOOTER ' Because of binary zeros, post body has to convert to byte array aPostBody = StrConv(strBody, vbFromUnicode) ' Send the HTTP Request. WinHttpReq.Send aPostBody ' Display the status code and response headers. 'debug.print WinHttpReq.GetAllResponseHeaders & " " & WinHttpReq.ResponseText UploadFiles = WinHttpReq.ResponseText Debug.Print "[UploadScript::UploadFiles]" & vbCrLf & WinHttpReq.ResponseText Set WinHttpReq = Nothing Exit Function SaveErrHandler: Debug.Print "[UploadScript::UploadFiles]" & vbCrLf & Err.Description UploadFiles = WinHttpReq.ResponseText Set WinHttpReq = Nothing End Function Function GetFile(strFileName As String) As String Dim strFile As String ' Grap the file nFile = FreeFile Open strFileName For Binary As #nFile strFile = String(LOF(nFile), " ") Get #nFile, , strFile Close #nFile GetFile = strFile End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim pst As New clsUploadEngine 'file path (make sure put "\" after folder name) filepath = App.Path & "\sample\" 'filename array filearr = Array("scenery1.jpg", "scenery2.jpg", "scenery3.jpg") 'form file post name (equivalent to <input type="file" name="filename"> fileform = Array("fileA", "fileB", "fileC") 'url to post file/information uploadurl = "" 'post parameter & posted variable (optional) 'if no post parameter, just put dummy post, if not error will occur postparam = Array("id", "uname", "passwd", "op") postVar = Array("1", "root", "", "tdrupload") pst.UploadFiles CStr(filepath), filearr, fileform, CStr(uploadurl), postparam, postVar End Sub
后来发现 WebNoteEditor 可以实现粘贴QQ截图,自动把文件上传到服务器,于是联系作者。作者是个好人哈,分享了一些经验甚至代码。目前在作者的帮助下,已实现的网页控件的文件自动上传功能,可传多个文件、多表单项。
本文地址:https://wizzer.cn/archives/1893 , 转载请保留.
文章里说了会图片损坏的,你百度“WebNoteEditor ”找作者,他实现的无损上传。
服了你了 烂肚子里吧 ^_^
求救 求救
我的邮箱 yjhnp@126.com
能说下你是如何解决 图片损坏的问题吗?